Not everyone can have a vegetable garden. Space, weather, lack of yard, etc. Lame! Everyone should have the chance to try their hand at growing something. I’m a miserable failure at it but at least I’ve got to try once or twice. Worry not my friends! Here are some vegetables you can grow inside and it’s amazingly easy because you will be growing them from the scraps of other veggies! Sounds fun and I can’t wait to try it out.
I’ve done this with shoots off of house plants, so why not veggies? I love free food! And if you buy something organic the first time the regrown food will be organic too. Bonus! I think these would make a terrific science experiment for the kids too. Not that the foam ball solar system isn’t great but something new would be nice… I can’t wait to try the carrots and garlic! Yum!
If you are short on space, here are some fun garden ideas. You don’t have to miss out on anything thanks to these ideas from HGTV.