Wunderbar! That’s what this whisky barrel coffee table from DIY Projects with Pete is. 100% wonderful. This is a fabulous videos that show the transformation of an old whiskey barrel into a beautiful coffee table. It shows start to finish the project and I am just blown away at how amazing the finished project is. I really like the half barrel on it’s base. I would want to leave it like that and make it a…something. I don’t know what, but it looks really cool that way. Now if I only knew where to find a barrel…any suggestions?
Do you remember Hope Chests? My grandmother had one. Historically, a hope chest is a dowery chest. An unmarried woman would start storing things for marriage, like table clothes, dresses, and things that were homemade. Now they are more used for treasures and things you want to pass on to the next generation. This barrel table/chest reminds me of one.