Egg carton is designed for carrying, transporting and storing eggs. What do you usually do with the egg cartons when you finish the eggs? Most people simply put them in the recycle bin. But there are many creative ways for you to recycle them. For example, you can turn them into some beautiful and festive decorations for you home. Be sure to check out all the great egg carton crafts projects that are featured on our site HERE. In addition to being used in craft projects, egg cartons can be used for other purposes. The genius man, Crazy Russian Hacker, comes up with another fantastic video showing 3 useful egg carton life hacks you should know. For example, when combined with wax and lint, egg cartons can be highly combustible and make for a great fire starter. This will come in handy when you go camping and want to start a campfire. Another trick with egg carton is called the make-shift ice cube tray. That means you can use a plastic egg carton as an ice cube tray. Just make sure you wash it thoroughly before filling it with water. Follow the video and watch how these egg carton hacks make life much easier. Enjoy!
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