We have all heard of this crazy phase where people are putting butter in their coffee? Sounds crazy right, well it is not you might actually want to try it!
Bulletproof coffee is supposed to energize you, burn fat, boost metabolism, and keep you feeling fuller longer. The idea is that the butters high fat content will slow the time it takes for your body to metabolize the coffee’s caffeine. The bulletproof coffee will increase your energy without the associated crash that comes along with coffee. Many say it is the most satisfying coffee you will ever have.
The drink was invented by Dave Asprey, and he accredits the invention to his almost 80 pound weight loss.
I have personally made the coffee, and I now drink it every single morning. It is a very creamy almost buttery like latte’ taste. I have noticed more energy, and I feel less bloated.
Do not just put your run of the mill everyday butter into your coffee, preferably clarified butter but if you cannot find it look for unsalted grass-fed butter. You can find it at grocery stores like Winn-Dixie, Publix, and even Wal-Mart.
2-6 Tbsp Grass-fed or clarified butter
1-3 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil
2 Cups High Quality organic coffee
Add all the ingredients into a blender, I suggest a high powered blender I use a Ninja, but something like a nutra bullet would work great. Ultimately use what you have available to you. Blend for a full minute or until you see a layer of foam form at the top. Add your favorite sweetener I use Coconut Sugar and enjoy!