Plastic Bottle Bracelets
Plastic bottles are one of the mostly liked materials to be used by DIY lovers because of being cheap.They can be found easily anywhere and DIY Projects are a perfect way of reusing them. In this project we are going to show you how to make charming handmade bracelets from simple plastic bottles.
Before starting the project, all materials should be prepared. You will need:
– A plastic bottle
– Fabric (you can use any kind of it)
– Glue (hot glue or fabric glue)
– Scissors
Firstly, you should decide what kind of bracelet you want to make (narrow or large) and the color of fabric. This entirely depends on your style and creativity. After the decision, is time to start your project.
Take a plastic bottle, remove the label and wash it . Wait some minutes until it dries. After that use a sharped scissor to cut the bottle in the width of tour bracellet. Cut a piece of fabric a bit widther and longer than you cut the bottle.
Apply glue in the bottle surface and start gluing the fabric. You can glue it straight or drape the fabric. After you cover all the plastic surface you will glue the left over fabric in the inside part of the bracellet to the finish. If you want you can add some details as buttons, laces and ribbons! This will le them more charming and elegant!