If you want to surprise your children with a new toy, building an outdoor playhouse would be a nice idea. As summer is approaching your children will start spending more and more time outside, so why not have their own special place where they can play and also enjoy a nice summer breeze. A wooden teepee would be a really great choice, as your children can play inside and they will also be protected from bad weather. The most suitable material for an outdoor teepee would be cedar wood as it is well-known that it is very durable. Make sure you build the teepee spacious enough for a small group of kids so your children can also invite their friends over to play in their new wooden tent. On the next link you will find the list of materials you’ll need to build a cedar play teepee and lots of details that will help you build this tent by yourself. The project will cost you $250, which is not a very big amount for such a cool project and the joy of your children will be priceless.