Does your kitchen need a remodel? I always have little projects in store for mine but they rarely get going. I never want to bite off more than I can chew or will have time to finish with the kids underfoot. So that basically means it doesn’t change much. Except for some strategically placed contact paper and fun gadgets. These backsplash ideas, featured at Diply, will transform the way your kitchen looks and not break the bank or take hours of your time. Win!
The vintage rustic mirrors look great and I love everything that involves pennies and DIYs. I love number 5. Having maps in your kitchen would guarantee you never getting lost again. It would be helpful if you lived in a big city with mass transit. The DIY Network has some before-and-after kitchen makeover pictures that should help give you some added inspiration. These, along with the backsplash ideas… your kitchen doesn’t stand a chance.