Enveloping in a plastic wrap is a cosmetic procedure used from many people today. It creates the greenhouse effect.
It boosts the blood circulation and the function of sweat glands, removes toxins and harmful substances.
The people are enveloping their body in plastic wrap or a household used foil for losing weight, detoxification of the body and improving the skin’s quality.
There are many ways of enveloping in plastic wrap or foil, each of which is useful in their own way. In this article you will learn about two methods, for weight loss, detoxification and the release of cellulite.
Wrapping with honey
Honey wrappings: put the honey in a small bowl and apply it on a heat. Add 1 egg yolk and several drops of a citrus essential oil (lemon, orange or jojoba oil).
Put this composite on the problem places like arms, thighs, abdomen, etc, and strongly envelop with a household foil.
Wear some warm clothes and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Lie down for an hour and then remove the foil and wash away the composite.
Wrapping with clay
The most efficient way for burning fat is the anti-cellulite clay enveloping. The blue clay is the most recommended because there are large number of microelements that have a positive effect on the skin included. Water down a small amount of blue clay with warm water until you get a density of cream and put it equally on the problematic areas.
Envelop in a plastic wrap or in foil and wear some warm clothes. Hold the enveloping for one hour. It is recommended to do some physical exercises while having the enveloping on you.
Do the enveloping at least twice in a week and you will very quick have great results. You will remove the fat and the cellulite, and the stretch marks too.
During this procedure your skin will absorb many helpful microelements, which will make it softer, smoother and more elastic.
Before starting with the enveloping procedure, it is recommendable to do a body scrub in order to achieve better effect.
Wrapping in plastic wrap or in household foil- Weight loss benefits
During the visit of a gym or physical exercises three times at week, envelop in foil the problematic places. Regulate the diet and you will surely lose up to 2-3 pounds in a week.
Household foil can be easily found and very cheap.
You can envelop your belly, arms and feet.
Assists in body shaping.
The foil is stimulating sweating, which means that you are losing weight.
It improves the skin’s quality and is very good in the fight against the cellulite.
Warning: If you are suffering from heart disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension or widespread veins, the enveloping in plastic wrap or foil is not recommendable!
Source: healthylivinghouse.com