My whole family love tomatoes. We use tomatoes in cooking and in salads, or just eat them raw as fruits. So every Spring, tomato is always on the top of my to-plant list. We enjoy picking tomatoes too!
Do you know that you can propagate new tomato plants from existing plants by cutting? I was familiar with starting new perennials and shrubs from cutting, but I didn’t know that vegetables can be started in this way too! Tomato plants, in particular, are among the easiest to be propagated by cutting because the cuttings are easy rooters. And it only takes as little as one week to root the tomato plants. This is much faster than starting from seeds. With this smart gardening tip, you can have the flexibility of growing your own tomatoes in later season and enjoy a whole new late crop at essentially no cost. You don’t need any fancy supplies to root tomato plants. All you need is water and a healthy strong tomato plant.
Please head over to Ananda’s blog, A Piece of Rainbow, for this quick and easy tip on how to root tomato plant. I think it’s the right time to propagate tomato plants now. Thanks Ananda again for the wonderful tutorial. Here’s the link…
A Piece of Rainbow – How To Root Tomato Plants In 1 Week
There are some vegetables that you can regrow from kitchen scraps. Similarly, you’ll just need to cut and root them. Click the link below for the 13 vegetables that you can regrow again and again.

Click here for 13 Vegetables That You Can Regrow Again And Again