
Clouds “INCOVER” the country, in the afternoon they are expected… Weather for today, here’s what is predicted!

The Military Meteorological Service announced that on Tuesday our country will be affected by atmospheric conditions. Clouds ‘INVEST’ the country, in the afternoon they are expected… Today’s weather, here is what is predicted! relatively stable due to the penetration of relatively moist air masses of northwest origin. The weather is expected to be initially clear, then gradual increase of average cloudiness and occasionally in hilly – mountainous to dense reliefs.

Cloudiness in the hilly – mountainous reliefs of the country will be accompanied by short-term rains and low intensity. In the high mountain reliefs and valley areas near the country’s mountain reliefs in very short-term periods these precipitations in the form of thunderstorms accompanied by electrical discharges. The wind will blow in the northwest-southwest direction with an average speed of 1-4 m/sec, while in the valleys, mountains and along the coastline the wind gains a speed of 5-7 m/s, accompanied by sea waves of force 1.