Before & After

DIY Repurpose an Old Fridge into an Ice Chest

I think most of us have a lot of old stuffs somewhere in our home. They are lying around in our basement, at the corner of our garage, somewhere in our backyard or inside the house and taking up our space. We have an old refrigerator sitting in our garage for almost three months ever since it wasn’t functioning well and it was too expensive to fix it. We have been wondering a better way to recycle it instead of hauling it to the recycling center.

Thanks to the creativity and efforts of the DIY enthusiasts, they can always come up with cool ideas to repurpose old stuffs into something useful. Here is a perfect example: turn an old or non-functioning refrigerator into a large ice chest! The project is easy to implement but the result is cool. Be sure to remove all the accessories that makes it run so that it is simply a large cooler. I also like the idea of adding the “feet” to the ice chest so that it is raised and easily accessible. This outdoor ice chest is perfect for your summer BBQ parties and backyard entertaining. It is big enough to hold a lot of drinks!

Please click the links below for the detailed instructions and video tutorial of similar projects to repurpose an old fridge/cooler into an ice chest. The tutorial should work the same for a large refrigerator. Here’s the link…

Killer B Designs – Rustic Cooler Tutorial

YouTube – Turn an Old Fridge into a Cooler Tutorial

With a bit of creativity and DIY magic, you can transform old furniture into something that is not only practical but also modern and unique. It’s an ultimate way of recycling and a cheaper and feasible way to own a new functional piece of furniture. The followings are more than 20 creative DIY projects to repurpose old furniture. Click the links below for more details.


Click here for 20+ Creative DIY Projects to Repurpose Old Furniture