Creative Ideas

17 DIY Upgrades To Transform Your Space On A Budget

Every now and then, I get the urge to change things around. Sometimes I’m satisfied with switching the couch from one wall to the other, but often I want more of an actual transformation. The trouble with that is, my budget doesn’t often allow for a complete overhaul of my decor, much less my furniture. That’s where these amazing projects come in. I love do it yourself projects because they’re the perfect way to transform something, making it look expensive or fancy when it’s not! I am so impressed with the creativity I find any time I go off in search of a new project. These to transform any space, frugally, are simply amazing! If your home features any ugly, old, outdated linoleum, this project is for you. You don’t have to live with that ugly floor. If you can’t afford to take the old up and replace it, simply paint it! There is a tutorial that will take you from beginning to end! Amazing! One very affordable way to upgrade any room is to put potted plants around! Even the smallest budget can accommodate for a couple of those! Area rugs are another fantastic way to transform any room. This diagram shows you to correct way to use them to get the most bang for your buck! Really cute way to store your soaps and such for your kitchen sink is to put them on a pretty cake stand. Beautiful and functional! And you’ll be amazed at how coat of spray paint can transform your air vents and make them look more elegant. Well, as elegant as an air vent can look.

17 DIY Upgrades To Transform Your Space On A Budget